星期一, 3月 29, 2010


琴日係雙人舞工作坊SHOW REHERSAL,之後去左TAM B HOME 玩,我發現我開始強制性逼自己唔用腦,尤其係休息的日子,我係唔用GA LA,吹咩?! 不過HOYIN咁熱烈地教我玩三國殺,咁我唯有用少少啦,:P

今日ON SHOW 啦,學左兩個月,總算有D作品,不過我都係LIKE學野多過排舞,因為排舞就會開始有d框框係度,不過有隻作品個感覺又會實在d ^^ 今日馬德鐘都有黎睇我表演呀,真係辛苦晒..........其實我都知佢一定唔明,悶到一定會訓著,多謝佢咁都黎睇我「千奇百怪」的表演!!! 坐足個半鐘,but我only跳得5分鐘,連我自己睇都未必明白既野,真係好辛苦ga,掌聲鼓勵!!!

today's best shot:

今日我一出Q就打得D中波,已經有進步GA LA,希望遲.............D可以同佢單挑!!!!!!!


另外,仲要好多謝我既sexy排舞師domanic,因為係佢教識我「兩個人」中間的身體關係,thanks!!! 仲有Gloria la,因為佢代替了亞雞,原來part另一個partner,成件事又新鮮左ga la wor~~~

like this

It’s you And me
Moving at the speed of light into eternity
Tonight Is the night
To join me in the middle of ecstasy
Feel the melody and the rhythm of the music around you, around you

Imma take you there
Imma take you there
So don’t be scared
Im right here baby
We can go anywhere, go anywhere
But first, it’s your chance
Take my hand come with me

It’s like I waited my whole life
For this one night
Its gonna be me, you, and the dance floor
Cause we only got one night
Double your pleasure
Double your fun
And dance forever ever ever
Forever ever ever
Forever on the dance floor

Sounds like we’re on another level
Feels like our love’s intertwined
We can be two rebels
Breakin the rules
Me and you, you and I
All you gotta do is watch me
Look what I can do with my feet
Baby, feel the beat inside
I’m driving you take the front seat
I just need you to trust me (girl, girl, girl)

It’s like I waited my whole life
For this one night
Its gonna be me, you, and the dance floor
Cause we only got one night
Double your pleasure
Double your fun
Dance forever ever ever
Forever ever ever
Forever on the dance floor



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