星期三, 7月 26, 2006


星期一,跳sis course1既最後一堂,超可能因為波仔效應的影響,跳左無幾耐就超級累la,我個腦死左,load唔到d steps,成日hang,妖,我真係想超有feel咁跳埋最後一堂,到最後仲feel到條腰又梗左係度law唔該,即係腰痛既先兆,腰梗 + 一個閃腰的機會 = 大獲野,所以又跳到就住就住,唉,last一次仲要甩晒tim,不過,好彩都有幾次完整既,都不至於一塌糊塗。走之前,聽了暉仔,suki同亞shan老師們既comments,我一路聽一路諗,要creat own style,只怕唔係一件易事,因為要個dancer本身好有confidence,要對首歌有feel,要對個排舞師排既theme好有feel等等,不過,我都好想feel下自己既style,um,不過我太累la,我無任何reply,但這番話令我諗左d野,現代舞同MST好唔同,甚至同CUHK既都超唔同,終於有D明白,點解亞ling話當你睇得愈多,就愈覺得自己唔應該站在台上,應該多上堂,因為mst dancing為的是表演你的歡樂、技巧,每個人最好係同一個模,同一角度,為的是整齊。只是現在的舞,不要求整齊,要跳得有自己own style,own feeling,如果連自己都唔清唔楚,點express自己???這確實係需要時間揣摩,浸淫,而家我就好像一個F.3學生,究竟讀文科,理科,定商科呢? 星期二,元氣還沒有恢復,跳BOBO,全程reggae law,真係唔該晒,累到趴街law,真係,不過一方面又超開心law,因為我好鐘意reggae,自從AP就好鐘意呢隻STYLE,希望星期四五都係reggae la,人,真犯賤。之後,超疲累加十億個肚餓 join在旺角既ivan同班長,hae左陣,就同班長去鄧肇堅醫院開會,到了causeway bay,因為班長有約,so我要自己一個人食野,causeway bay真係一個超高消費既地方,茶餐廳都貴到無朋友,結果我好有緣份的找上了大快活,仲趕得切食個靚tea,$19,so good,加左油,心情大好。
到了鄧肇堅醫院開會,本以為是去一d helper training course的,原來我地加入了一個希望推動普及CPR的核心小組,身邊每個也是年長的醫生護士,只有我同班長是醫學生及學護,係一個超formal,超認真既團體會議,我既第一個感覺.........「亞媽,mud咁大整蠱呀????????」不過,聽完佢地既理念,工作內容,我就覺得有意義,一定有值得學習之處,只可惜,我同班長想參加既小組都唔同,究竟應該點揀好呢?我對行政同課程有興趣,班長就對人力資源有興趣...........仲有,值得一提,佢地有大大件cheese cake供應ga,下一次開會,我一定空肚出席,yeah!!!!
今日,去左練車,drive左成兩粒半鐘,真係眼都盲,人都頹晒,練泊車,泊L位,練左成粒半鐘都泊唔好,真食屎,好彩有雞雞的悉心教導,多謝晒,好朋友~~~~~~哇哈哈。目標 : 自己搬野入宿。好彩,一年無DRIVE,手車都唔係我心目中退步咁多。
YEAH,聽日上BOBO,REGGAE REGGAE,REGGAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[Verse 1:]A part of me wants to leave you alone.
A part of me wants for you to come home.
A part of me says I'm living a lie.
(And I'm better off without you.)
A part of me says to think it through.
A part of me says I'm over you.
A part of me wants to say goodbye.
A part of me is asking why...

[Pre-Chorus:]A part of me wants to leave.
But a part of me wants to be here with you.
And everytime I think we're over and done you do something to get me back loving you.
And you got me just torn.
[Chorus:]Torn in between the two. (Oh yeah)
Cuz I really wanna be with you.
But something's telling me I should leave you alone. (I really want to be with you)
Leave you alone.
Leave you alone.
And you got me just torn in between the two. (In between the two)
Cuz I really wanna be with you. (Be with you)
But something's telling me I should leave you alone. (You alone)
Leave you alone.
Leave you alone.
[Verse 2:]There were no issues when we started out.
It was cool.
It was everything that love's about.
But something happened.
Plus I'm feeling so burnt out.(Cuz I can't understand you now.)
Now oh(I just can't understand you now.)
A part of me says it's all my fault.
A part of me says "he ain't what you want."
A part of me says to get my bags.
A part of me says I can't do that.
[Pre-Chorus:]A part of me wants to leave.
But a part of me wants to be here with you.
And everytime I think that it's over and done you make me fall back in love.
You got me just torn.
[Chorus:]Torn in between the two. (Between the two)
Cuz I really wanna be with you. (Be with you)
But something's telling me I should leave you alone. (You alone)
Leave you alone.
Leave you alone.
And you got me just torn in between the two. (Torn in between the two)
Cuz I really wanna be with you. (Really wanna be with you)B
ut something's telling me I should leave you alone. (Telling me I should leave)
Leave you alone. (Alone)
Leave you alone. (Alone)
[Bridge:]So many times I... (I was ready to go)
So many times I... (Had my foot out the door)
So many times I... (I thought to give him a chance, thought he'd be a better man)
Now I'm sitting here and I'm so confused.
Cuz I keep fighting myself for you.
(I don't know how much more I can take but I can't feel this way)
(You got me so torn)



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