星期五, 7月 07, 2006


番到屋企,見到爸爸,我問佢怪唔怪,佢竟然話唔怪..............照下鏡,其實都唔係好怪je,d藍色係髮尾到走出黎,都唔係好sharp je,反而係d陰,我唔再襯碎陰la,我而家用夾set番斜陰,快d長la頭髮。
我諗一個月度,我就會剪頭髮ga la............


Anonymous 匿名 said...

post pics~ post pics...=)

Is it expensive to do like that? I mean add the blue hair...


I got an new internship ar =) which is really related to my major ~ Working in a handbag company ( quite big ga..) as an assistant of one of the designers there...

even though..I though I would not get paid because when I had my interview, they said I am not graduated and I am just a beginner...sth like that la..but after the first day, I found that they are will to pay me....quite good too...it's double of my part time job ( another job that i have been doing it since last summer)

therefore, I think the chance to come back to hk get higher and higher la...need to work hard and save more money...!!( just started...)

But I learned a lot from the new internship though..=) it's a good new right?=)

but...I am so tired ....I need to get back to work la...take care la..talk to u soon agin in msn..keekee

^3^ MUAH !!


7月 07, 2006 11:05 下午  
Blogger 露比 said...

嘩~~~~~~~~~~~an assistant of one of the designers there...

7月 08, 2006 12:51 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

ngng!! I know ar !! I will Work MORE hard in the internship !!! and ask more question !!! =) I really dont want to lose the chance for learning new stuff which I cannot learn in school ~

and I can use that to lose weight ( I mean go to work from 9 - 6 ) bccause there is very busy and I have to walk around in the office..therefore, even I dont have time to do excerise, but I still can work out during the internship =P I just need to make sure to sleep early.....=_=""

ops..now is 3am here...in fact I just woke up suddenly..^^" I am kind of werid...ususally will woke up by myself in werid time...

Let's Fight together ~~~!! =)
start my saving $$$ plan for the future ~~!!!


Happy Early Birthday to u !!!



7月 08, 2006 3:29 下午  


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